Maine Weez Poured


Maine Beer Company is a relatively new install to my part of the world - a welcomed one. My first experience with one of their beers was one found while on a trip to Harrisonburg Virginia. I liked that one, so trying their MO was an easy decision. Again, a very good experience. So what about the Weez? The MBC has not disappointed to date, so I wanted to try the next beer I had the ability to try - Weez.

Weez is dedicated to the brewers cat (thus the whiskers on the label) of the same name. I'm not a cat person but I wouldn't let that get in my way of a good beer.

When tasting a beer, consider it in an orderly sequence - appearance, aroma, flavor and then mouthfeel.

I didn't know what to expect with this beer - its an ale - so thinking its an golden to amber in color. Wrong! Its a black IPA. It pours black with a thick light brown head. And the head lingers. The second thing I noticed was the rush of hops that rushes out of the glass.

Okay now you've got my attention. 

So in order, some tasting notes:

appearance - black pour, brown full lingering head.

aroma - full of hops, coffee, chocolate. Nice - gets your attention. 

flavor - citrusy hops, roasted coffee and a bit of chocolate on the finish. 

mouthfeel - medium body, good effervescence but not over powering. After you swallow the mouthful the bitterness of the hops lingers with a malty sweetness.

overall - another great Maine Brewing beer, easy to recommend. This would be great with a burger, ribs on the grill or a slow sip in the evening.  


So, as goes their motto, "Do what's right." I recommend you try this beer and brewery.
